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Prices for atmospheric water generators

Market prices for atmospheric drinking water generators vary according to their daily production capacity and are between €8,000 and €30,000 for 50 to 500 liters depending on the models

What is the price of an atmospheric water generator?

Market prices for atmospheric water generators vary depending on the daily production volume in liters.
It is important to clarify that atmospheric generation varies its production depending on relative humidity and air temperature; and that when talking about nominal production or daily volume, data is given for optimal conditions of relative humidity and temperature, 80% HR and 30ºC.

The prices of domestic atmospheric water generators, of 50 and 200 liters per day, are approximately €8,000 and €16,000.

The prices of industrial atmospheric water generators, of 500 and 4500 liters per day, are approximately €30,000 and €155,000.

To these prices we must add transportation, start-up and VAT.

What does an atmospheric water generator consume?

Atmospheric water generation uses electrical energy and its consumption varies depending on the nominal production volume.
The most efficient equipment – those with the largest volume – have a consumption of 0.19 Kw/liter of water generated and the least efficient – those with the smallest volume – approximately 0.39 Kw/liter.

Prices for atmospheric water generators
Water generators of 200, 500 and 5000 liters per day

Cost per liter of water with photovoltaics: practically zero €

If a photovoltaic energy source is used to power the equipment, once all the equipment has been amortized, the cost of generating a liter of atmospheric water is practically zero euros.
An option to consider if you want an even more sustainable and self-sufficient solution to generate drinking water

Range of atmospheric water generators Aquasol